College of Continuing Education (CCE)
Experience Hands on Learning with expert faculty guidance & mentorship.
Offering innovative professional education with hands on learning to advance your professional and personal development goals.
Come and check out the possibilities.
Click here to receive the brochure describing the programs.
Offering innovative professional education with hands on learning to advance your professional and personal development goals.
Come and check out the possibilities.
Click here to receive the brochure describing the programs.
Certificate Program: Intuition & Well-Being: Enhancing Intuitive Skills for Healing & Wellness by Prof. Delphine Rossi, MS, ThD, Rev.
Courses Options: Click here for the full description of
Intuition Studies Certificate Program with Rev. Dr. Delphine Rossi
Register through eMail: [email protected]
Intuition Studies Certificate Program with Rev. Dr. Delphine Rossi
- Personal Intuition (R) - Sensing & Inner Knowing
- A Soul Approach to Illness & Healing (R) - Role of Intuition in heralding illness
- Intuition & Dreams (E) - Sensing & Interpreting Your Unique Dream Language
- Spiritual Contracts (E) - Exploring Soul Purpose & Intuitive Consulting
Register through eMail: [email protected]
Action to Heal Burn Up & Burn Out
Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook BSN, RN, MEd EdD, CEMP/S/I, HTP/I Introduction to the Total Event Live Online Available Available to nurses and others impacted by this experiencing burn up & Burnout / 1 Continuing Education Units = 10 contact hours Action Addressing Nurse Burnup and Nurse Burnout: Nurses Take 2 - Approved course through AHNA 1677 This program CNE 1677 is available for 2 to 20 contact hours. The goal is to empower participants to identify burnup and burnout through an analysis of in-depth energetic assessment and healing strategies using Transform Your Life thorough Energy Medicine (TYLEM). Objectives: Participants will be able to: 1. Explore participants issues around burn up and burn out. 2. Connect heart to heart. 3. Describe THLEM approach to health and healing starting with energetic assessment of participants issue. 4. Demonstrate TYLEM interventions 5. Post assessment and description of experience. 6. Sharing results with others. 7. Share possibilities to use in participants professional arena. Click here for view Dr, Bulbrooks Brief PowerPoint |
New Series Introduction Sept. 0224
Friday from 7 - 9 pm EST Saturday & Sunday from 1 - 5 pm Introduction Cost Only $50 / To register, click here. Action Addressing Nurse Burnout & Nurse Burnup Total Live On-line Event or Video Access with Mentorship Contact Hours Available = 2 - 20 hours 2 contact hours 7–9 pm Eastern) Introduction 8 contact hours – 4 each day 1 – 5 pm Eastern Follow-up personal practice assignments self care & journal submissions (8 contact hours) Mentorship 2 contact hours available by request (15-30 minutes – date & time TBA) Cost. $250 for series if paid in full up front or $300 if payment schedule ($50 savings!) / Zoom on-line - Join Zoom Meeting / This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Eligible for Continuing Education units (CEU's) from Akamai University |
Upcoming New CCE Courses Coming Soon
Dr. Bulbrooks ePosters presented in Montreal, CA. at the International Congress of Nursing held on July 1 - 5, 2023. Follow-up through CCE available. Send an email requesting more information here.
Click here to view the content presented: 1. Nurses Health & Wellbeing; 2. Transform Your Life; 3. Caring for Seniors at Home
4. World Forcefield of Nurses Qualified as Practitioners, Educators & Researchers
Skills for Success Checklist
- Define and articulate skills for success in your profession, home culture and life context including balance in whole earth systems.
- Create interactive seminar with activity based discussions to develop critical thinking and whole self systems resilience in response to dominant Western culture oppression in developing countries and global ecosystems.
- Create a personal success plan that includes addressing the dominant Western culture skills for success and professional competencies, while integrating personal and technical values / mastery with unique contributions you bring to a global professional workforce arena.
Open FREE Online Conversations
9x PSI Conversations:
Explore Practice, Education &
Research PSI Conversations
Open FREE Online Conversations
9x PSI Conversations:
Explore Practice, Education &
Research PSI Conversations
- Physical / Psychological / Parapsychological
- Spiritual / Scientific / Subconscious
- Interactive / Innovative / Integrative