Practice - Education - Research
Support and empower clients as heart centered partners.
Operate with high standards of care and ethics.
Treat equally regardless of race, age, nationality, sex, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, status or situation.
Support the client’s best interests in any and all decisions.
Speak the truth in all your communication.
Be transparent in providing service without conflict of interest.
Always maintain healthy boundaries.
Work in partnership with the health care system.
Ask permission and describe charges, before providing service.
Document services as required by training, laws and license.
Check out ISGO recorded Ethics Course offered by
Dr. Bulbrook, ISGO Certified Facilitator at
This model is based on the World Health Organization technical Brief No. 1, 2008. Making health systems “The management and delivery of health services so that clients receive a continuum of preventive and curative services, according to their needs over time and across different levels of the health system.” This and more was presented during the ISGO event on Ethics Roles & Boundaries.
Visit the websites of the organizations listed in GHA for their specific ethics documents.
Research proposal CONSORT Guideline for randomized controlled studies & CARE Guidelines for case studies.
Enhancing the quality and transparency of health research guidelines here.
Enhancing the quality and transparency of health research guidelines here.
If the answers we seek come to us through nonobjective avenues such as spiritual insights, dreams, reveries, meditation, hunches, or intuitive guesses, rather than by way of logical mathematical equations, elaborate "Theories of everything," or randomized controlled clinical trials, we should be grateful. It is wisdom itself, not how it is displayed or revealed, that counts."
(Dossey, L: Consilience: Are Science and Religion Compatible? Explore: july / August 2019, Vol. 15, No.4 pp. 245-251. 2019)
Quoted in Dr. MJ Bulbrooks Article from her talk at the ASCSI Oct. 2018 conference titled: Multi-Dimensional Healing: Ethical Practice & Teaching- Why NOW, Why US? Read the whole article by clicking here.
Larry sums up the process of seeking answers that GHA is built on and requires responsible professional individuals and organizations to create ethical standards of practice and education that guide this work and representative organizations. Dr. MJ Bulbrook, Nov. 7, 2019.
Protection Health Information (PHI)
If sending data regarding client situations, care or service, it is critical to protect the health information (PIH) of the client and the person(s) receiving the information including the organizations they represent.
The process is "For Protected Health Information (PHI) as defined by the Healthcare Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), It is the responsibility of all parties involved to take all reasonable actions to protect an email message from non-authorized disclosure. which includes a statement such as "
The email needs to say: "This e-mail is intended for the recipient only. If you receive this e-mail in error, you should notify the sender and destroy the e-mail immediately. Disclosure of the information contained herein could subject disclosure to civil or criminal penalties under state and federal privacy laws."
We must be aware of when and how our actions may be in violation of someone's rights. This is a serious obligation for anyone associated with the Global Healing Alliance.
If sending data regarding client situations, care or service, it is critical to protect the health information (PIH) of the client and the person(s) receiving the information including the organizations they represent.
The process is "For Protected Health Information (PHI) as defined by the Healthcare Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), It is the responsibility of all parties involved to take all reasonable actions to protect an email message from non-authorized disclosure. which includes a statement such as "
The email needs to say: "This e-mail is intended for the recipient only. If you receive this e-mail in error, you should notify the sender and destroy the e-mail immediately. Disclosure of the information contained herein could subject disclosure to civil or criminal penalties under state and federal privacy laws."
We must be aware of when and how our actions may be in violation of someone's rights. This is a serious obligation for anyone associated with the Global Healing Alliance.