Dr. Medani Bhandari, PhD
Senior Vice President,
Chief Academic Officer / Executive Officer
Faculty Publication
Publications of Prof. Medani P. Bhandari, PhD- The Vice President of Academic Affairs- Akamai University, USA
Available on Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Books-Medani-P-Bhandari/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMedani+P.+Bhandari
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020) Second Edition- Green Web-II: Standards and Perspectives from the IUCN, Policy Development in Environment Conservation Domain with reference to India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands. ISBN: 9788770221924 e-ISBN: 9788770221917
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Getting the Climate Science Facts Right: The Role of the IPCC, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: 9788770221863 e-ISBN: 9788770221856
Garner, Scott (2020), Book Pre-Review- Getting the Climate Science Facts Right: The Role of the IPCC, Asia Environment Daily, http://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials, https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials/71-editorials/26859-book-review-getting-the-climate-science-facts-right-the-role-of-the-ipcc
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Section Editor- Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Responsible Consumption and Production-Springer Nature- (editor in Chief- Walter Leal Filho) https://meteor.springer.com/project/dashboard.jsf?id=702&tab=About&mode=ReadPage&entity=5021
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2019) (Editors) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018) Green Web-II: Standards and Perspectives from the IUCN, Published, sold and distributed by: River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands ISBN: 978-87-70220-12-5 (Hardback) 978-87-70220-11-8 (eBook).
Bhandari, Medani P.; Banskota, K. and Sharma, Bikash (1999) Roads and Agricultural development in Eastern Development Region, A Correlation analysis, Winrock international
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) in Monitoring for Impact: Lessons on natural resources monitoring from 13 NGOs, Volume 1 and 2, in Christian Ottke at. al., (Nepal case study part), World Resources Institute, Global forest Watch, UNEP, Conservation International Vol 2 ISBN 1-56973-462-3 USA, to download book please click on (book in two volumes) http://pdf.wri.org/forest_monitoring_vol1.pdf http://pdf.wri.org/forest_monitoring_vol2.pdf
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2021). Editorial: Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment: Theories, Practice and the Future, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 39 1–4, 381–402. doi: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.391415 https://www.journal.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/2965/2066
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2021). Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, a Case Study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. SocioEconomic Challenges, 5(2), 5-. https://doi.org/10.21272/sec.5(2).5-.2021. https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Bhandari_2_21.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge - Scenario, Impacts and Consequences, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P., (2021) - Social Dimensions of Inequality, in Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari Medani P. (2021), The Unpredictable Direction of Economic Inequality, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bk, Man Bahadur and Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Accelerating Hunger in the Society: Impact of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic on Social Security, SEJ -Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law Volume 25, No1 (2021)
DOI:10.19192/wsfip.sj1.2021.4ASEJ ISSN: 2543-9103 ISSN: 2543-411X (online) https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/565/502
Bk, Man B and Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Microfinance Institutions: Instrumental for Promoting Financial Inclusion, Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 5(2), 72-85. https://doi.org/10.21272/fmir.5(2).72-85.2021- https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/fmir/volume-5-issue-2/article-7/ https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/7.pdf
Vladyslav, Shapoval, Medani P. Bhandari and Shvindina Hanna (2021), Education as A Tool for Prevention Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ People, in Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Prem B., Madhu Sudhan Atteraya and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Socio-Economic Inequality in Household Food Security in Nepal, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021), the Problems and consequences of Economic Inequality, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Prem B. Bhandari and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Child Labor Use in Forest Resources Collection and its Implications on Fertility Preferences in Nepal, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021), Introduction- the Unbeatable Challenges of Inequality , Growing Problems and Consequences, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bk, Man Bahadur and Medani P. Bhandari, (2021), The Luxury Lockdown: Tackle to Covid-19, Fatal to Hunger- Widening Inequality in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Prem B., and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Rural Agricultural Transformation: Is Family Labor Availability an Obstacle for Labor-saving Farm Technology Use among Smallholder Farmers? in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Sapiński, Aleksander, Sabina Sanetra-Półgrabi, Serhii Y. Kasian, Nataliya Rozhko and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Social Responsibility as A Tool for The Human Resources Policy Development and Reducing Inequalities on Tourism Industry, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020). Security and sustainability. Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 24(4), 5-8. DOI: 10.19192/wsfip.sj4.2020.1 https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/554/487 https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/554
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2020). In the Covid-19 Regime – What Role Intellectual Society Can Play. International Journal of Science Annals, 3(2), 5–7. doi:10.26697/ijsa.2020.2.1 https://ijsa.culturehealth.org/en/arhiv https://ekrpoch.culturehealth.org/handle/lib/71
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020, 24 (1): 1-3, GICID: 01.3001.0014.0769, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=202946
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Second thoughts, In the COVID-19 Regime, What Role Does Intellectual Society Play?, The Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR Scholars Network), USA, Bulletin 20/2, https://starscholars.org/in-the-covid-19-regime-what-role-does-intellectual-society-play/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Third thoughts, Role of Intellectual Society in Covid-19 Regime, Khabar Hub, Kathmandu, Issue 16/ 12,7567 https://english.khabarhub.com/2020/16/127567/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), OPINION: The Phobia Corona (Covid 19)- What We Can Do- the Role of the Scholarly World, Asia Environment, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York 2/71, 27707 https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials-2/71-editorials/27704-the-phobia-corona-covid-19-what-we-can-do-the-role-of-scholarly-world
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), We have same body structure and mind structure, by why women are suppressed by male centric societies, issue 08/ 2852, ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/284695.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Journey to the University, Travel Data-2, Issue, 08/28,52-67, ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/285267.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Those Brave two Women-Travel Data-3, Issue 28/57,73- ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/285773.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Education is Most Essential to Understand the World- Education to Sustain, Asia Environment, Issue 2/71, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials-2/71-editorials/29015-opinion-my-educational-journey-part-1
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Woman in Suppression, due to male centric culture, Khabar Hub, Kathamndu, Issue, 200/087 https://www.khabarhub.com/2020/05/200087/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Self-Created Ecosystem of Slums in Varanasi, India, Travel Data-4, Issue 287,28,2 ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/09/287282.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Second Thought- The Phobia Corona (COVID 19): What We Can Do, Journal of Global Issues & Solutions"- Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society, VOL. XX, NO. 5ISSN#: 1544-5399 September-October 2020, https://bwwsociety.org/journal/current/2020/sep-oct/covid-19.htm
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Editorial- the Role of Scholarly World – Science Writing, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (2): 4-4, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=207187
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. The founding writers of Western sociology. Part 1, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 8-13; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1342, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203948
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. The development of organizational theory and the emergence of challenges to the traditional rational approaches to understand the organization. Part 2, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 14-19; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1343, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203949
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. Feminist approach to organizational analysis. Part 3,Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 20-25; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1344, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203950
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020, 24 (1): 1-3, GICID: 01.3001.0014.0769, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=202946
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Asia Environment Daily, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York - Editorial Issue 26885 https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials/71-editorials/26885-the-phobia-corona-covid-19-what-we-can-do (republish)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, KhabarHub, issue 2020/03/86267/- https://english.khabarhub.com/2020/03/86267/ Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Wariness of the World, A global concern, with reference of Covid-19, Annapurna Post, issue 155397, http://annapurnapost.com/news/155397, Kathmandu, Nepal- http://annapurnapost.com/news/155397?fbclid=IwAR2xaczZeEBd_TZgJ8zLm_GSiL3lBxSOTydQZCnu7WUbKlawB9ath9ebDrI
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Re-Revolution of Humanities, With Reference to Corona Crisis, KhabarHub, issue- https://www.khabarhub.com/2020/11/163167/ Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Bashudhaiba Kutumbakam, all living being are our relatives, with Reference to journalist role on Corona Crisis-1, https://saralpatrika.com/content/31756/2020-05-30, Issue 31756, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Bashudaibha Kutumbakkam, All living being are our relatives, with Reference to journalist role on Corona Crisis-2, Issue 273/743 https://www.enepalese.com/2020/05/273743.html, Virginia, USA
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Institutional Goals of Sustainability in the Context of Higher Education-Contribution, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7; ASEJ 2019; 23 (4): 5-12, DOI: 10.5604/ 01.3001.0013.6853 GICID: 01.3001.0013.6853, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196468
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 1-The Origin, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 5-9
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6523 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7 - https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196026
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 2- Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 10-14; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6524 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196028
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 3 - Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 15-18; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6525 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7- https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196029
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 4 - Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 19-35- DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6527 GICID: 01.3001.0013.6527 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7- https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196031
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Sustainable Development: Is This Paradigm the Remedy of All Challenges? Does Its Goals Capture the Essence of Real Development and Sustainability? With Reference to Discourses, Creativeness, Boundaries and Institutional Architecture, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 3, Issue 4, 97-128 ISSN (print) – 2520-6621, ISSN (online) – 2520-6214 https://doi.org/10.21272/sec.3(4).97-128.2019, http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/9.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Inequalities with reference to Sustainable Development Goals in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN:
Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2019), The Problems and consequences of Sustainable Development Goals, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Zaitsev, Olexander, Shvindina Hanna and Medani P. Bhandari (2019), The concept of a sustainable economy based on labor of equal value, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). The Debates between Quantitative and Qualitative Method: An Ontology and Epistemology of Qualitative Method- the Pedagogical Development, in Douglass Capogrossi (Ed.) Educational Transformation: The University as Catalyst for Human Advancement, Xlibris Corporation, USA ISBN-10: 179604895X; ISBN-13: 978-1796048957
Bhandari, Medani P, (2019). Live and let other live- the harmony with nature /living beings-in reference to sustainable development (SD)- is contemporary world’s economic and social phenomena is favorable for the sustainability of the planet in reference to India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan? Adv Agr Environ Sci. (2019);2(1): 37−57. DOI: 10.30881/aaeoa.00020 http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00020.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P, (2019). Climate Change, and pollution problems in the Major Cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Pellam Journal Of Science-Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society, MMXIX, NO. 2, ISSN#: 1544-5399. http://bwwsociety.org/journal/science/archive/2019/climate-change-interview.htm
Bhandari Medani P. (2019). “Bashudaiva Kutumbakam”- The entire world is our home and all living beings are our relatives. Why we need to worry about climate change, with reference to pollution problems in the major cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Adv Agr Environ Sci. (2019);2(1): 8−35. DOI: 10.30881/aaeoa.00019 (second part) http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00019.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). Mainstream Religious Domain in Nepal a Contradiction and Conflict of Indigenous Communities in Maintaining the Identity, Race, Gender and Class, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 3, Issue 1, 27-56 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/fmir/volume-3-issue-1/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). Theoretical / Historical Account of Public Opinion Survey and its Importance, Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), Volume 2 Issue 1, 67-80 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/bel/volume-3-issue-1/article-10/
Bhandari, Medani P. and Oli, Krishna P. (2018), ‘The changing roles and impacts of civil society/NGOs in Nepal, Civil Society in the Global South (Palash Kamruzzaman edits.), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. 70-87 https://books.google.com/books?id=iah8DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT9&source=kp_read_button#v=onepage&q&f=false
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). Impact of Tourism of Off-Road Driving on Vegetation Biomass, a Case Study of Masai Mara National Reserve, Narok, Kenya SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 2, Issue 3, 6-26 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/sec/volume-2-issue-3/article-1/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). “Climate Change Impacts on Food Security, a Brief Comparative Case Study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan". Acta Scientific Agriculture 2.8 (2018): 136-140. https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-02-0157.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). The Problems and Consequences of the Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.SocioEconomic Challenges, 2(1), 6-20. http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/files/sec/volume-2-issue-1/Medani%20P.%20Bhandari_SEC_1_2018.pdf
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). Article Review-Journal Article Critique: The Validity and Reliability of CrossNational-Surveys Analysis, Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), Volume 2 Issue 1, 116-120 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/bel/volume-2-issue-1/article-11/
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). Editorial for Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science, Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1): 00007. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00006.pdf
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). The climate change induced problems in South Asia, a case study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1): 00006.
Bhandari, Medani P (2018). Climate change science: a historical outline. Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1) 1-8: 00002. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00002.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P (2018). The Role of International Organization in Addressing the Climate Change Issues and Creation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1) 1-17: 00005. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00005.pdf
Bugawa, Afaf M., Al-Jayyousi Odeh R., Alsultanny, Yas A., Bhandari, Medani P., Mirzal Andri (2018), “An Overview on Professional Education Development in Technology Management: The Experience of Arabian Gulf University”, Asia-pacific Journal of Education Management Research, Volume 3, No. 1, pp 39-48, http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/ajemr.2018.3.1.07
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018), “Bashudhaiva Kutumbakam- The entire world is our home and all living beings are our relatives; why we need to worry about climate change? With reference to pollution problems in the Major Cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan”, Akamai University, Scholar Series, Interview, Issue 1, No, 1, PP 1-68, (first part) http://www.akamaiuniversity.us/AkamaiUniversityFacultiesScholarshipInterviewSeries_DrMedaniBhandari.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2017) Role of Nongovernmental Organization in Bangladesh. Are They Challenging the Government Power? A Case Study from Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 1, Issue 4, (6-23)
Bhandari, Medani P. and Bhattarai, Keshav (2017) Institutional Architecture for Sustainable Development: A Case Study from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 1, Issue 3, (6-21)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2014). “Is Tourism Always Beneficial? A Case Study from Masai Mara National Reserve, Narok, Kenya”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 15(1):458-483.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2014) “Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Movements in Nepal and terms of Social Transformation”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 15(1):177-189.
Shah AH, Bhandari, Medani P. Al-Harbi NO, Al-Ashban RM (2014) Kaff-E-Maryam (Anastatica Hierochuntica L.): Evaluation of Gastro-Protective Activity and Toxicity in Different Experimental Models. Biol Med 6: 197. doi: 10.4172/0974-8369.1000197
Bhandari, Medani P. (2013) Bay of Bengal (India and Bangladesh) - a house of extreme climate events and birth place of monsoon in South Asia, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Brahmaputra River (India and Bangladesh) - A long traveler, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Irrawaddy River (Myanmar) – pain and pleasure, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
Bhandari, Medani, P. (2013) Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, Plantation forests book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Eastern Paraguay, Plantation forests, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Hudson Bay Lowlands (Third Largest Wetland in the World), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Kakadu Wetlands (Kakadu's wetlands (Australia), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Murray River (Australia), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Pitons Island Coral Reefs, St. Lucia book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) San Lucan xeric scrub, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Severn Estuary, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Sundaland heath forests, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands (Nepal), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Ural River, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Uruguay River, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Victoria Plains tropical savanna Australia, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Orange River (South Africa), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
Bhandari, Medani P. (2012) Environmental Performance and Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Case Study of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, “Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management" Series: Climate Change Management (pp 149-167), Springer, New York / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-31109-3
---- (2012) Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) [for conservation and management of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan Environment], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1076-1078.
---- (2012) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) [Implication of the global conservation policies and its contribution for the biodiversity conservation in the developing world], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1086-1088.
---- (2012) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [The forth assessment reports on climate change: a factual truth of contemporary world], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1063-1067.
---- (2012) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) [Problems and opportunities in improving the livelihood of its member countries: Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Nepal], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication, Volume 4, 1891-1898.
---- (2011) "Viewpoints: What do you think should be the two or three highest priority political outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), scheduled for Rio de Janeiro in June 2012? Natural Resources Forum 36, 251-252 (Wiley-Blackwell)
---- (2011) The conceptual problems of Green Economy and Sustainable Development and the Theoretical Route of Green Economy Initiatives, Applicability and the Future, Compilation Document - Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, (Major groups), 141-153
http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&type=510&nr=138&menu=20 http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/138apec.pdf
Brechin, Steven R. and Bhandari, Medani P. (2011) Perceptions of climate change worldwide, WIREs Climate Change 2011, Volume 2:871–885.
Mathiason, John and Bhandari, Medani P. (2010) Getting the Facts Right: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the New Climate Regime, Journal of International Organization Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, (September 2010) 58-71 http://www.journal-iostudies.org/sites/journal-iostudies.org/files/JIOS1014.pdf
Mathiason, John and Bhandari, Medani P. (2010) Governance of Climate Change Science: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the New Climate Change Management Regime, the UNITAR-Yale, Geneva, USA, 2nd Issue (2010).
Bhandari, Medani P. (2004) An Assessment of Environmental Education Programs in Nepal, Environmental Awareness, International journal of Society of Naturalist, Vol.27, No.1. (ISSN 0254-8798)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) “Human mental pollution is much more critical and harmful than environmental pollution” National Janamanch Monthly, Vol. 1, No 18.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) An Encounter with African Wild Buffaloes, in Masai Mara National Parks, Narok, Kenya (An autobiographical travel essay / research findings), Gunjan- Year 4, Vol. 2 No 17.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) A Comparative study on democratic socialists: B. Brant (German) and B.P. Koirala, (Nepali) Manobhava, Quarterly, Year 5, Vol. 3, No. 20.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Agricultural Marketing in Nepal, Agricultural Economic Journal, Biannual, Vol. 6, No. 1.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Agriculture Marketing Needs Special focus for Development: Result based on Kruskal- Wallis test from Eastern Development Region, Gunjan- Year 3, Vol. 4
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Tourist increasing trend in Kenya a case study from Masai Mara National Park, Narok, SCHOLAR vol. 2 + 3 No. 11 and 12.
Bhandari, Medani P. (1999) Masai Mara National Parks and Its surroundings, Narok, Kenya, GUNJAN, year 2, Vol.2, no 6
Bhandari, Medani P. (1997) Association for Protection of Environment and Culture (APEC)’s Contribution for Conservation of Nature in Nepal, CBSG News, Vol.8, No.1, IUCN-CBSG
Bhandari, Medani P. (1996) Environmental Education in Nepal- Dialogues for Environmental Education, INEE-, No.4, International Network in Environmental Education, Athens, Greece.
Bhandari, Medani P. (1995) A step of Nature conservation by APEC Nepal, Zoo's Print, Vol. 8, number 11, Zoo Outreach Organization, India.
Publications of Prof. Medani P. Bhandari, PhD- The Vice President of Academic Affairs- Akamai University, USA
Available on Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Books-Medani-P-Bhandari/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMedani+P.+Bhandari
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021) (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020) Second Edition- Green Web-II: Standards and Perspectives from the IUCN, Policy Development in Environment Conservation Domain with reference to India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands. ISBN: 9788770221924 e-ISBN: 9788770221917
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Getting the Climate Science Facts Right: The Role of the IPCC, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: 9788770221863 e-ISBN: 9788770221856
Garner, Scott (2020), Book Pre-Review- Getting the Climate Science Facts Right: The Role of the IPCC, Asia Environment Daily, http://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials, https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials/71-editorials/26859-book-review-getting-the-climate-science-facts-right-the-role-of-the-ipcc
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Section Editor- Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Responsible Consumption and Production-Springer Nature- (editor in Chief- Walter Leal Filho) https://meteor.springer.com/project/dashboard.jsf?id=702&tab=About&mode=ReadPage&entity=5021
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2019) (Editors) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018) Green Web-II: Standards and Perspectives from the IUCN, Published, sold and distributed by: River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands ISBN: 978-87-70220-12-5 (Hardback) 978-87-70220-11-8 (eBook).
Bhandari, Medani P.; Banskota, K. and Sharma, Bikash (1999) Roads and Agricultural development in Eastern Development Region, A Correlation analysis, Winrock international
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) in Monitoring for Impact: Lessons on natural resources monitoring from 13 NGOs, Volume 1 and 2, in Christian Ottke at. al., (Nepal case study part), World Resources Institute, Global forest Watch, UNEP, Conservation International Vol 2 ISBN 1-56973-462-3 USA, to download book please click on (book in two volumes) http://pdf.wri.org/forest_monitoring_vol1.pdf http://pdf.wri.org/forest_monitoring_vol2.pdf
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2021). Editorial: Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment: Theories, Practice and the Future, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 39 1–4, 381–402. doi: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.391415 https://www.journal.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/2965/2066
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2021). Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, a Case Study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. SocioEconomic Challenges, 5(2), 5-. https://doi.org/10.21272/sec.5(2).5-.2021. https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Bhandari_2_21.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge - Scenario, Impacts and Consequences, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P., (2021) - Social Dimensions of Inequality, in Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari Medani P. (2021), The Unpredictable Direction of Economic Inequality, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bk, Man Bahadur and Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Accelerating Hunger in the Society: Impact of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic on Social Security, SEJ -Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law Volume 25, No1 (2021)
DOI:10.19192/wsfip.sj1.2021.4ASEJ ISSN: 2543-9103 ISSN: 2543-411X (online) https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/565/502
Bk, Man B and Bhandari, Medani P. (2021), Microfinance Institutions: Instrumental for Promoting Financial Inclusion, Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 5(2), 72-85. https://doi.org/10.21272/fmir.5(2).72-85.2021- https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/fmir/volume-5-issue-2/article-7/ https://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/7.pdf
Vladyslav, Shapoval, Medani P. Bhandari and Shvindina Hanna (2021), Education as A Tool for Prevention Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ People, in Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Prem B., Madhu Sudhan Atteraya and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Socio-Economic Inequality in Household Food Security in Nepal, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA ISBN: 9788770225991; e-ISBN: 9788770225984- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021), the Problems and consequences of Economic Inequality, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Prem B. Bhandari and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Child Labor Use in Forest Resources Collection and its Implications on Fertility Preferences in Nepal, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (Editors), Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA- ISBN: 9788770223911; e-ISBN: 9788770223904- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=921
Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2021), Introduction- the Unbeatable Challenges of Inequality , Growing Problems and Consequences, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bk, Man Bahadur and Medani P. Bhandari, (2021), The Luxury Lockdown: Tackle to Covid-19, Fatal to Hunger- Widening Inequality in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Prem B., and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Rural Agricultural Transformation: Is Family Labor Availability an Obstacle for Labor-saving Farm Technology Use among Smallholder Farmers? in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Sapiński, Aleksander, Sabina Sanetra-Półgrabi, Serhii Y. Kasian, Nataliya Rozhko and Medani P. Bhandari (2021), Social Responsibility as A Tool for The Human Resources Policy Development and Reducing Inequalities on Tourism Industry, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna edits, Inequality- The unbeatable Challenge, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands, USA, ISBN: 9788770226233; e-ISBN: 9788770226226- https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=938
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020). Security and sustainability. Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 24(4), 5-8. DOI: 10.19192/wsfip.sj4.2020.1 https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/554/487 https://asej.eu/index.php/asej/article/view/554
Bhandari, Medani. P. (2020). In the Covid-19 Regime – What Role Intellectual Society Can Play. International Journal of Science Annals, 3(2), 5–7. doi:10.26697/ijsa.2020.2.1 https://ijsa.culturehealth.org/en/arhiv https://ekrpoch.culturehealth.org/handle/lib/71
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020, 24 (1): 1-3, GICID: 01.3001.0014.0769, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=202946
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Second thoughts, In the COVID-19 Regime, What Role Does Intellectual Society Play?, The Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR Scholars Network), USA, Bulletin 20/2, https://starscholars.org/in-the-covid-19-regime-what-role-does-intellectual-society-play/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Third thoughts, Role of Intellectual Society in Covid-19 Regime, Khabar Hub, Kathmandu, Issue 16/ 12,7567 https://english.khabarhub.com/2020/16/127567/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), OPINION: The Phobia Corona (Covid 19)- What We Can Do- the Role of the Scholarly World, Asia Environment, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York 2/71, 27707 https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials-2/71-editorials/27704-the-phobia-corona-covid-19-what-we-can-do-the-role-of-scholarly-world
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), We have same body structure and mind structure, by why women are suppressed by male centric societies, issue 08/ 2852, ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/284695.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Journey to the University, Travel Data-2, Issue, 08/28,52-67, ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/285267.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Those Brave two Women-Travel Data-3, Issue 28/57,73- ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/08/285773.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Education is Most Essential to Understand the World- Education to Sustain, Asia Environment, Issue 2/71, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials-2/71-editorials/29015-opinion-my-educational-journey-part-1
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Woman in Suppression, due to male centric culture, Khabar Hub, Kathamndu, Issue, 200/087 https://www.khabarhub.com/2020/05/200087/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Self-Created Ecosystem of Slums in Varanasi, India, Travel Data-4, Issue 287,28,2 ‘Enepalese, USA, https://www.enepalese.com/2020/09/287282.html
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Second Thought- The Phobia Corona (COVID 19): What We Can Do, Journal of Global Issues & Solutions"- Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society, VOL. XX, NO. 5ISSN#: 1544-5399 September-October 2020, https://bwwsociety.org/journal/current/2020/sep-oct/covid-19.htm
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Editorial- the Role of Scholarly World – Science Writing, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (2): 4-4, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=207187
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. The founding writers of Western sociology. Part 1, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 8-13; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1342, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203948
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. The development of organizational theory and the emergence of challenges to the traditional rational approaches to understand the organization. Part 2, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 14-19; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1343, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203949
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Theories and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences. Feminist approach to organizational analysis. Part 3,Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020; 24 (1): 20-25; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1344, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=203950
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2020, 24 (1): 1-3, GICID: 01.3001.0014.0769, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=202946
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, Asia Environment Daily, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York - Editorial Issue 26885 https://asiaenvdaily.com/index.php/editorials/71-editorials/26885-the-phobia-corona-covid-19-what-we-can-do (republish)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Phobia Corona (COVID 19) - What Can We Do, KhabarHub, issue 2020/03/86267/- https://english.khabarhub.com/2020/03/86267/ Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Wariness of the World, A global concern, with reference of Covid-19, Annapurna Post, issue 155397, http://annapurnapost.com/news/155397, Kathmandu, Nepal- http://annapurnapost.com/news/155397?fbclid=IwAR2xaczZeEBd_TZgJ8zLm_GSiL3lBxSOTydQZCnu7WUbKlawB9ath9ebDrI
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), The Re-Revolution of Humanities, With Reference to Corona Crisis, KhabarHub, issue- https://www.khabarhub.com/2020/11/163167/ Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Bashudhaiba Kutumbakam, all living being are our relatives, with Reference to journalist role on Corona Crisis-1, https://saralpatrika.com/content/31756/2020-05-30, Issue 31756, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhandari, Medani P. (2020), Bashudaibha Kutumbakkam, All living being are our relatives, with Reference to journalist role on Corona Crisis-2, Issue 273/743 https://www.enepalese.com/2020/05/273743.html, Virginia, USA
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Institutional Goals of Sustainability in the Context of Higher Education-Contribution, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7; ASEJ 2019; 23 (4): 5-12, DOI: 10.5604/ 01.3001.0013.6853 GICID: 01.3001.0013.6853, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196468
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 1-The Origin, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 5-9
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6523 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7 - https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196026
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 2- Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 10-14; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6524 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7, https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196028
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 3 - Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 15-18; DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6525 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7- https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196029
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), The Development of the International Organization (IO) and Organizational Sociology Theories and Perspectives. Part 4 - Definitions and Types of IO, Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, ASEJ 2019; 23 (3): 19-35- DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6527 GICID: 01.3001.0013.6527 ISSN: 2543-9103 | E-ISSN: 2543-411X | ICV: 100 | MNiSW: 7- https://asej.eu/resources/html/article/details?id=196031
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Sustainable Development: Is This Paradigm the Remedy of All Challenges? Does Its Goals Capture the Essence of Real Development and Sustainability? With Reference to Discourses, Creativeness, Boundaries and Institutional Architecture, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 3, Issue 4, 97-128 ISSN (print) – 2520-6621, ISSN (online) – 2520-6214 https://doi.org/10.21272/sec.3(4).97-128.2019, http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/9.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019), Inequalities with reference to Sustainable Development Goals in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN:
Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (2019), The Problems and consequences of Sustainable Development Goals, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Zaitsev, Olexander, Shvindina Hanna and Medani P. Bhandari (2019), The concept of a sustainable economy based on labor of equal value, in Bhandari, Medani P. and Shvindina Hanna (edits) Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach, River Publishers, Denmark / the Netherlands- ISBN: Print: 978-87-7022-126-9 E-book: 978-87-7022-125-2
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). The Debates between Quantitative and Qualitative Method: An Ontology and Epistemology of Qualitative Method- the Pedagogical Development, in Douglass Capogrossi (Ed.) Educational Transformation: The University as Catalyst for Human Advancement, Xlibris Corporation, USA ISBN-10: 179604895X; ISBN-13: 978-1796048957
Bhandari, Medani P, (2019). Live and let other live- the harmony with nature /living beings-in reference to sustainable development (SD)- is contemporary world’s economic and social phenomena is favorable for the sustainability of the planet in reference to India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan? Adv Agr Environ Sci. (2019);2(1): 37−57. DOI: 10.30881/aaeoa.00020 http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00020.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P, (2019). Climate Change, and pollution problems in the Major Cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Pellam Journal Of Science-Institute for Positive Global Solutions - Bibliotheque: World Wide Society, MMXIX, NO. 2, ISSN#: 1544-5399. http://bwwsociety.org/journal/science/archive/2019/climate-change-interview.htm
Bhandari Medani P. (2019). “Bashudaiva Kutumbakam”- The entire world is our home and all living beings are our relatives. Why we need to worry about climate change, with reference to pollution problems in the major cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Adv Agr Environ Sci. (2019);2(1): 8−35. DOI: 10.30881/aaeoa.00019 (second part) http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00019.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). Mainstream Religious Domain in Nepal a Contradiction and Conflict of Indigenous Communities in Maintaining the Identity, Race, Gender and Class, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 3, Issue 1, 27-56 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/fmir/volume-3-issue-1/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2019). Theoretical / Historical Account of Public Opinion Survey and its Importance, Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), Volume 2 Issue 1, 67-80 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/bel/volume-3-issue-1/article-10/
Bhandari, Medani P. and Oli, Krishna P. (2018), ‘The changing roles and impacts of civil society/NGOs in Nepal, Civil Society in the Global South (Palash Kamruzzaman edits.), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. 70-87 https://books.google.com/books?id=iah8DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT9&source=kp_read_button#v=onepage&q&f=false
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). Impact of Tourism of Off-Road Driving on Vegetation Biomass, a Case Study of Masai Mara National Reserve, Narok, Kenya SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 2, Issue 3, 6-26 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/sec/volume-2-issue-3/article-1/
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). “Climate Change Impacts on Food Security, a Brief Comparative Case Study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan". Acta Scientific Agriculture 2.8 (2018): 136-140. https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-02-0157.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018). The Problems and Consequences of the Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.SocioEconomic Challenges, 2(1), 6-20. http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/files/sec/volume-2-issue-1/Medani%20P.%20Bhandari_SEC_1_2018.pdf
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). Article Review-Journal Article Critique: The Validity and Reliability of CrossNational-Surveys Analysis, Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL), Volume 2 Issue 1, 116-120 http://armgpublishing.sumdu.edu.ua/journals/bel/volume-2-issue-1/article-11/
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). Editorial for Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science, Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1): 00007. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00006.pdf
Bhandari Medani P. (2018). The climate change induced problems in South Asia, a case study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1): 00006.
Bhandari, Medani P (2018). Climate change science: a historical outline. Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1) 1-8: 00002. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00002.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P (2018). The Role of International Organization in Addressing the Climate Change Issues and Creation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Adv Agr Environ Sci. 1(1) 1-17: 00005. http://ologyjournals.com/aaeoa/aaeoa_00005.pdf
Bugawa, Afaf M., Al-Jayyousi Odeh R., Alsultanny, Yas A., Bhandari, Medani P., Mirzal Andri (2018), “An Overview on Professional Education Development in Technology Management: The Experience of Arabian Gulf University”, Asia-pacific Journal of Education Management Research, Volume 3, No. 1, pp 39-48, http://dx.doi.org/10.21742/ajemr.2018.3.1.07
Bhandari, Medani P. (2018), “Bashudhaiva Kutumbakam- The entire world is our home and all living beings are our relatives; why we need to worry about climate change? With reference to pollution problems in the Major Cities of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan”, Akamai University, Scholar Series, Interview, Issue 1, No, 1, PP 1-68, (first part) http://www.akamaiuniversity.us/AkamaiUniversityFacultiesScholarshipInterviewSeries_DrMedaniBhandari.pdf
Bhandari, Medani P. (2017) Role of Nongovernmental Organization in Bangladesh. Are They Challenging the Government Power? A Case Study from Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 1, Issue 4, (6-23)
Bhandari, Medani P. and Bhattarai, Keshav (2017) Institutional Architecture for Sustainable Development: A Case Study from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, SocioEconomic Challenges, Volume 1, Issue 3, (6-21)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2014). “Is Tourism Always Beneficial? A Case Study from Masai Mara National Reserve, Narok, Kenya”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 15(1):458-483.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2014) “Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Movements in Nepal and terms of Social Transformation”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 15(1):177-189.
Shah AH, Bhandari, Medani P. Al-Harbi NO, Al-Ashban RM (2014) Kaff-E-Maryam (Anastatica Hierochuntica L.): Evaluation of Gastro-Protective Activity and Toxicity in Different Experimental Models. Biol Med 6: 197. doi: 10.4172/0974-8369.1000197
Bhandari, Medani P. (2013) Bay of Bengal (India and Bangladesh) - a house of extreme climate events and birth place of monsoon in South Asia, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Brahmaputra River (India and Bangladesh) - A long traveler, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Irrawaddy River (Myanmar) – pain and pleasure, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
Bhandari, Medani, P. (2013) Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, Plantation forests book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Eastern Paraguay, Plantation forests, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Hudson Bay Lowlands (Third Largest Wetland in the World), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Kakadu Wetlands (Kakadu's wetlands (Australia), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Murray River (Australia), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Pitons Island Coral Reefs, St. Lucia book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 2, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) San Lucan xeric scrub, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Severn Estuary, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Sundaland heath forests, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands (Nepal), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Ural River, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Uruguay River, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Victoria Plains tropical savanna Australia, book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
---- (2013) Orange River (South Africa), book chapter in Robert Warren Howarth (ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia, Volume 4, 1st Edition, Salem Press, ISBN: 1429838132, 9781429838139
Bhandari, Medani P. (2012) Environmental Performance and Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Case Study of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, “Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management" Series: Climate Change Management (pp 149-167), Springer, New York / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-31109-3
---- (2012) Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) [for conservation and management of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan Environment], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1076-1078.
---- (2012) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) [Implication of the global conservation policies and its contribution for the biodiversity conservation in the developing world], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1086-1088.
---- (2012) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [The forth assessment reports on climate change: a factual truth of contemporary world], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication Volume 3, 1063-1067.
---- (2012) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) [Problems and opportunities in improving the livelihood of its member countries: Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Nepal], in Ritzer, George (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, Wiley-Blackwell Publication, Volume 4, 1891-1898.
---- (2011) "Viewpoints: What do you think should be the two or three highest priority political outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), scheduled for Rio de Janeiro in June 2012? Natural Resources Forum 36, 251-252 (Wiley-Blackwell)
---- (2011) The conceptual problems of Green Economy and Sustainable Development and the Theoretical Route of Green Economy Initiatives, Applicability and the Future, Compilation Document - Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, (Major groups), 141-153
http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&type=510&nr=138&menu=20 http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/138apec.pdf
Brechin, Steven R. and Bhandari, Medani P. (2011) Perceptions of climate change worldwide, WIREs Climate Change 2011, Volume 2:871–885.
Mathiason, John and Bhandari, Medani P. (2010) Getting the Facts Right: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the New Climate Regime, Journal of International Organization Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, (September 2010) 58-71 http://www.journal-iostudies.org/sites/journal-iostudies.org/files/JIOS1014.pdf
Mathiason, John and Bhandari, Medani P. (2010) Governance of Climate Change Science: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the New Climate Change Management Regime, the UNITAR-Yale, Geneva, USA, 2nd Issue (2010).
Bhandari, Medani P. (2004) An Assessment of Environmental Education Programs in Nepal, Environmental Awareness, International journal of Society of Naturalist, Vol.27, No.1. (ISSN 0254-8798)
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) “Human mental pollution is much more critical and harmful than environmental pollution” National Janamanch Monthly, Vol. 1, No 18.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) An Encounter with African Wild Buffaloes, in Masai Mara National Parks, Narok, Kenya (An autobiographical travel essay / research findings), Gunjan- Year 4, Vol. 2 No 17.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) A Comparative study on democratic socialists: B. Brant (German) and B.P. Koirala, (Nepali) Manobhava, Quarterly, Year 5, Vol. 3, No. 20.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Agricultural Marketing in Nepal, Agricultural Economic Journal, Biannual, Vol. 6, No. 1.
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Agriculture Marketing Needs Special focus for Development: Result based on Kruskal- Wallis test from Eastern Development Region, Gunjan- Year 3, Vol. 4
Bhandari, Medani P. (2000) Tourist increasing trend in Kenya a case study from Masai Mara National Park, Narok, SCHOLAR vol. 2 + 3 No. 11 and 12.
Bhandari, Medani P. (1999) Masai Mara National Parks and Its surroundings, Narok, Kenya, GUNJAN, year 2, Vol.2, no 6
Bhandari, Medani P. (1997) Association for Protection of Environment and Culture (APEC)’s Contribution for Conservation of Nature in Nepal, CBSG News, Vol.8, No.1, IUCN-CBSG
Bhandari, Medani P. (1996) Environmental Education in Nepal- Dialogues for Environmental Education, INEE-, No.4, International Network in Environmental Education, Athens, Greece.
Bhandari, Medani P. (1995) A step of Nature conservation by APEC Nepal, Zoo's Print, Vol. 8, number 11, Zoo Outreach Organization, India.