CAM 321: Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
This broad based course will give the student a comprehensive overview of Psychology, including research methods, the historical roots and current issues in psychology, the function of the brain in mental health and illness, learning theory and intelligence, developmental issues, psychological disorders and psychotherapies.
CAM 325: Healing with Nature (3 credits)
Nature surrounds us and influences our health and healing. By examining the role of nature in our lives we will be better prepared to maximize the positive influences in our situation to enhance health and minimize those things that are detrimental to our well-being. Exploration of the literature of this topic on health will include an investigation of the principles and practices that influence who we are an will become.
CAM 331: Anatomy and Physiology or Muscular Science (3 credits)
Physiology and anatomy are branches of biology. In this class, physiology will deal with the study of organs and organ systems including the respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, skeletal system. Emphasis is laid on the functions carried out by the different systems. The participants will also investigate human anatomy, as the study of the structure of a living body, organs, cells, tissue and the electrical and chemical communication within the living body.
CAM 311: Survival Math (3 credits)
This class in survival mathematics will introduce student’s everyday topics for the use of math: food costs & nutrition, transportation & vacation costs, saving & checking accounts, household budgeting, buying on credit, job benefits & income, taxes, and miscellaneous.
CAM 322: Life Skills and Self Care (3 credits)
An introduction to various fields within CAM and career opportunities. It also addresses student concerns about topics like study skills, learning styles, time management, and overall success in the CAM major. Combining discussions reading and a research paper, this course helps students develop the skills to be successful CAM practitioner, educator and or researcher.
CAM 327: Food as Medicine (3 credits)
We are what we eat. Understanding this principle will influence hour health and ability to survive and thrive. This class explores relative theory and practice towards a nutritional approach to health and well-being including cultural specifics diets that contribute to the health or not and effective strategies to alter eating patterns to a “better way” of managing health. Financial considerations are to be considered.
CAM 332: Human Sexuality (3 credits)
Human sexuality is center to who we are and our life’s journey. This class comprises a comprehensive view of sexuality, ranging from psychological and sociological dimensions, covering topics such as homosexuality, masturbation, bisexuality, fantasy, female and male sexuality, special problems, sex therapy and cultural expressions. issues, sex therapy, ethical and legal aspects of sexuality, and art and sexuality.
CAM 323: Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 credits)
Introduces students to five major branches of Clinical Psychology: psychopathology; diagnostics; psychotherapy; preventative interventions; and outcome assessment. A range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral childhood syndromes will be covered. Risk factors, possible genetic, neural, biological, social and familial factors will be discussed, as well as interventions. These topics will be discussed both from a clinical and a research perspective.
CAM 333: Herbal Studies 1 (3 credits)
This class will explore the features of herbs and herbal medicine, natural health, herbal medicine, and nutrition. Topics will cover basic human physiology and common herbal remedies for each body system. Students will look into a number of herbal products, including herbal extracts, salves, lotions, syrups and teas.
CAM 441: Survey of Health Practices Around the World (3 credits)
Gaining a broader perspective on health practices around the world will orient the student to how to individualize health recommendations to be successful. Compliance to health regime is critical component to ensure that treatment is successful. Practitioners often neglect this essential component in realizing how to approach individuals and assure that they find ways that are culturally acceptable to their way of life. Imposing another’s value is not the way to go.
CAM 352: Introduction to Homeopathy 1 (3 credits)
This class will introduce participants to the theory and clinical aspect of homeopathic practices. It will investigate its’ role as a medical practice guided by the belief that the body can heal itself without traditional medical intervention. An exploration into the “why” and “how” of homeopathy will open an additional perspective to support ones’ CAM practice.
CAM 324: Marriage and Family Psychology (3 credits)
The dynamics of marriage and family relationships will be explored and examined according to the latest theories that provide a perspective to enrich the dynamics of ones’ personal life. Topic include: the structure and function of marriage, aspects of the marital relationship, family systems, and ways counselors may approach marriage and family counseling as a creative, preventative, and healing ministry. Marriage and family theories and the history of marriage and family therapy will be included.
CAM 334: Transpersonal Psychology (3 credits)
This introductory class in transpersonal psychology will explore the theories, principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and examine the availability of research in the field. Going beyond the egoic perspective, it examines human experience and consciousness, behavior and creative expression beyond the self into spiritual realms and behond.
CAM 335: Introduction to Energy Psychology (3 credits)
Energy Psychology is a major player in the field of psychology that has made an impact on how the mental health needs of clients are addressed. Some mental health practitioners have been slow to adopt this change while others are at the leading edge of this dynamic approach. This course serves as an overview to what is possible and how it differs from traditional psychological approach to mental health issues and covers the evolving theory, practice and research in this emerging discipline.
CAM 336: Materia Medica Homeopathy 2 (3 credits)
This class will examine the study of the action of drugs on individual parts or systems of the body and their isolated organs. Topics will explore the schematic arrangement of symptoms produced by selected classes of drugs, and examine them synthetically, analytically and comparatively. One goal of the class is to help the participant understand drugs and what makes a good prescriber.
CAM 337: Eco-Human Deigns Thinking (3 credits)
The focus of the course will be on learning to create human centered and ecosustainable solutions to real world problems. Activities of Applied Ecopsychology are integrated with steps of Human Centered Design Thinking, to create EcoHuman Design systems and processes. These process templates can then be applied to challenges ranging from providing affordable potable water for rural communities, to designing products that are economically viable while being ecologically sustainable. These process templates are also applicable to human systems problems such as those encountered in organizational management, school systems management and social service administration. The teaching format and cohort process gives students ecosensory adaptive, communication positive and whole system thinking skills that are useful in a broad spectrum of professional settings. Students experience living systems. Students experience new options for responding to living systems within which real world challenges are embedded.
CAM 339: Spiritual Practices and Health (3 credits)
The role of spiritual practices, beliefs and impact on health and healing will be investigated in this course. Getting at the in-depth needs of the individual requires a close examination of the foundation spiritual base of a person both in and out of awareness. By investigating this basis of the human condition, one is able to create a workable framework for transforming a persons life journey that will include an acceptable spiritual or non/religious tradition.
CAM 401: English 4 (3 credits)
This course is intended to give students a practical understanding of beginning techniques of nonfiction writing, taught through exercises, the writing of original nonfiction, and readings in contemporary nonfiction. Basic concepts in the study of the English language: history, semantics, syntax, and discourse.
CAM 411: Business Math/ Small Business Comp Science 1 (3 credits)
Business mathematics teaches basic math skills for financial situations. A student will learn how to keep a business, check book, organize a payroll, keep small business spread sheets, prepare receipt information for tax purposes exploring the practical applications in a CAM practice.
CAM 421: History of Psychology (3 credits)
This class examines the history of psychology and includes topics as ideas about the mind, historical and social development in the field of psychology, and exploring the theorists who have made major impacts in the field of psychology. Discussion and critical evaluation of psychology as a profession and a science including examining the major schools of thought: structuralism, functionalism, associations, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychoanalysis comparing and contrasting their role in health and healing.
CAM 424: Child Development to Applied Ecopsychology (3 credits)
The four sections of this class – I, II, III, and IV – will each take a two-week period. In these sections, I will be presenting basic child development stages. These stages will be presented from a multicultural viewpoint, with examples of child rearing practices from all over the world to give you an understanding of how child development is impacted by social systems and disruptions to those systems. At the same time as you receive the academic information, I will be asking you to practice the underlying dynamics of child development in nature settings. This practice will involve exploring stages of child development on your own in a nature setting. This practice will give your non-verbal senses and your body an understanding of the dynamics of child development. Which will create a depth and a flexibility to your understanding of child development that is very enriching.
CAM 425: Applications of CAM Practice & Teaching for Health Practitioners (3 credits)
This application of CAM is designed for health practitioners such as nurses, doctors, mental health practitioners, chiropractors to expand their current work incorporating the best practices to the clients they serve. This hand-on experience created by the student under the supervision of the faculty open the unique possibilities to practical solutions in the workplace. Can include travel to other countries and applying on those settings where appropriate.
CAM 430: History of Holistic Nursing: Roots & Application (3 credits)
The nursing profession is a key player in the evolution of CAM applications in traditional health care. Many nurses have embraced the integrative or holistic approach for treating the whole person and empowering the client to take care of their health. For this reason, nurses are at the forefront of the potential rapid spread of CAM into traditional settings across the life span dealing with different situations. Nurses are everywhere, doing everything, for everybody regarding health and healing. Examine what is currently out there in nursing and strategize possible new applications to apply a CAM in a nursing care setting.
CAM 431: History of Western Medicine (3 credits)
This class investigates the history of Western medicine including, medical establishments and healers, the theories of disease, issues of diagnosis and treatment. Topics also include the history of sickness and health, epidemiology, sanitation, vital social structures and human behaviors, and their attitudes toward disease.
CAM 402: English 5-Writing for Case Presentation (3 credits)
Course content will include reading of literary nonfiction that demonstrates a range of formal and aesthetic styles; workshop discussion of student works-in-progress; and writing assignments culminating in a written case presentation. Upon course completion, the student will understand the elements of nonfiction prose style, and have made satisfactory progress in writing.
CAM 451: Case Taking (3 credits)
Case taking is the process of collecting all the facts about the client, using various tools like observation, perception, and history-taking. in order to find the correct support for a client. Requirements for documentation and sample form development for practice purposes will be discussed. Students will develop personalized forms which meet local requirements in the setting that they practice in or intent to move towards.
CAM 422: Psychological Theory and Practice (3 credits)
This course covers an in-depth analysis of the theories and methodologies used by psychologists and other mental health professionals to investigate behavior. Surveys of theories and research concerning core topics in psychology will be discussed.
CAM 432: Survey of Western Medicine (3 credits)
Western medicine focuses upon the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions and including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and physical therapy. The student will compare and contrast the training and practice Western Medicine are doctors, nurses, physical, occupational, and respiratory therapists in order to understand how health is managed in Western Medicine.
CAM 403: English 6 / Scientific Writing (3 credits)
This course introduces key concepts and practices of professional and technical writing. You will learn project development and management, field research, document design and visual rhetoric, and professional editing. This course will culminate in a writer’s portfolio, which will include individual and team-based projects, including such media as documentation, pamphlets, press kits and reports.
CAM 459: Senior Project/Case Presentation (3 - 6 credits)
This class is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to investigate in some detail an area of special interest within complementary and alternative medicine, which has potential for advancing the student’s understanding and professional development. The senior project takes the form of a scholarly paper of at least 15 pages in length with substantial referencing and citations to the literature which has informed. Additional expansion with the topic is possible for projects that extend beyond the normal class time.
CAM 423: Health Psychology (3 credits)
The philosophy and principles between physical, psychological, social, and cultural effects on health and well-being will be examined. Study topics address: how people respond to medical information, consultations, treatment plans, and lifestyle changes. Students learn ways to prevent illness, reduce the progression of disease, educate and implement user-friendly health practices and wellness activities which may reintegrate and empower patients towards meaningful life pursuits. The interplay between emotion, cognition, behavior, and the health/dysfunction of body systems is reviewed. The course covers: 1) an introduction to different models of the pathways linking psychological and physical functioning; 2) the mechanisms by which psychological processes affect physical health. Other suggested topics include: reasons for illness, health preparedness, becoming pro-active and health awareness.
CAM 433: Energetic Ethics (3 credits)
This class prepares students to approach complex moral issues with analytical precision, moral concern, and reflective judgment. From the question of informed consent to the very recent debate on health care, this course spans some of the most important social questions of our time: abortion , use of stem cells and embryos in research, euthanasia, experimentation on human beings. Participants will examine, analyze and evaluate conflicting positions on complex moral issues.
Non-CAM Program Coursework Options
SIP 501: Psychology of the Creative Spiritual Life (3 credits)
Students will investigate six major life areas in which psychology and spirituality intersect. Learning will be both didactic and experiential such that students will have both the knowledge base of other theorists and the tools to validate their inner truths. Students will listen to recordings of six seminars, participate in the exercises, have selected readings, complete a workbook and write reports and a paper. This series of seminars lays the foundation for a holistic approach to life. Six major life areas are examined to infuse a greater sense of self-responsibility, creativity and thus balanced healthy approach to well-being.
SIP 502: Bio-Spiritual Energetics in Human Growth and Development (3 credits)
Students will learn to read body energy patterns in themselves and others. Bio-energetic exercises and body typing based on the work of Alexander Lowen, MD, will be practiced and will provide an experiential reframing of the first six years of human development. A different series of exercises will be learned for each of the six body types as well as breathwork techniques to open the body to be a vehicle for one's spiritual expression. Students will listen to recordings of eighteen seminars, participate in exercises via video recording and write a paper.
SIP 503: Systemic Approaches to Core Integration (3 credits)
Several foundational systems approaches presenting holistic paradigms for spirit/mind integration will be studied. This will include Family Systems Theory and General Systems Theory as practiced on a personal and organizational level. Daily journaling will be done based upon the topics studied. Relevance to creating a viable spiritual community in one's world will be emphasized. Students will listen to class recordings, participate in exercises, complete their emotional autobiography and write a final paper.
SIP 504 Personal Effectiveness Principles (3 credits)
The Personal Effectiveness Principles training is a series of eight classes enabling participants to gain clarity about their life goals and success in achieving them as well as how to help create an environment that will sustain ongoing positive life changes for themselves and others. The course encapsulates concise and useful principles for mental mastery, emotional intelligence, goal setting and long term purposeful success. Techniques for effective communication, relationship building and energy maintenance through breathing fully and freely are also covered.
IHS 402: The Integral Model and Philosophy of Self, Culture, and Nature (3 credits)
This survey course offers an in depth study of Ken Wilber’s All Quadrants All Levels Model of integral theory and practice. Participants will be introduced to an understanding of the four quadrants, states of consciousness, stages of development, lines of development, and types. Students will be introduced to applications of the integral model to science and religion, world maps of the cosmos, as well as medicine and education. Participants will gain experiential understanding of this model by beginning an integral practice of their own using the guidelines presented.
IHS 406: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits)
The course covers basic concepts vis-Ã -vis public health and public health practice. Health, illness and various factors that influence health status are discussed. It also presents data and information on health status and risk factors. The course examines the functions of public health and public health practice, the tools that have been developed to improve public health practice. The course also explains the government’s role in public health. It discusses the infrastructure of public health and public health programs and services, and non-medical approaches to public health. Finally, the course deals with the limits to conventional public health and future challenges for public health.
HS 451: Inner Practicum and Transformational Practice (3 credits)
Bachelors students must investigate core aspects of the discipline within the professional environment through close contact with practitioners and situations. Students should participate in the field study for a minimum of 150 contact hours. The field placement is expected to afford students appropriate practical hands on experience and in-depth knowledge of their areas of practice. Students must prepare a field study proposal according to University guidelines prior to undertaking the course. Under the supervision of assigned instructors, students will select from a range of personal development, growth, and transformative practices (e.g. meditative/contemplative, art/expressive, interpersonal/psychological, yoga, breathwork, bodywork, cultural expeditions, volunteer/service, combinations of these, etc.) and document their experiences on life domains relevant to health, healing, and wellness. The student can choose to undergo these experiences in retreats, intensives, community services, home practices, social gatherings, external trainings, health and wellness centers, spas. Students complete a daily journal and prepare a scholarly paper summarizing their findings for the field study.
NOTE: Students may elect to take additional field study elements to a maximum of 9 credits
French Language could be substituted for two of the other classes.
There is a possibility to exempt out of classes that address the content through examination by one of the faculty. This is negotiated on an individual basis between student and supervising faculty.
This broad based course will give the student a comprehensive overview of Psychology, including research methods, the historical roots and current issues in psychology, the function of the brain in mental health and illness, learning theory and intelligence, developmental issues, psychological disorders and psychotherapies.
CAM 325: Healing with Nature (3 credits)
Nature surrounds us and influences our health and healing. By examining the role of nature in our lives we will be better prepared to maximize the positive influences in our situation to enhance health and minimize those things that are detrimental to our well-being. Exploration of the literature of this topic on health will include an investigation of the principles and practices that influence who we are an will become.
CAM 331: Anatomy and Physiology or Muscular Science (3 credits)
Physiology and anatomy are branches of biology. In this class, physiology will deal with the study of organs and organ systems including the respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, skeletal system. Emphasis is laid on the functions carried out by the different systems. The participants will also investigate human anatomy, as the study of the structure of a living body, organs, cells, tissue and the electrical and chemical communication within the living body.
CAM 311: Survival Math (3 credits)
This class in survival mathematics will introduce student’s everyday topics for the use of math: food costs & nutrition, transportation & vacation costs, saving & checking accounts, household budgeting, buying on credit, job benefits & income, taxes, and miscellaneous.
CAM 322: Life Skills and Self Care (3 credits)
An introduction to various fields within CAM and career opportunities. It also addresses student concerns about topics like study skills, learning styles, time management, and overall success in the CAM major. Combining discussions reading and a research paper, this course helps students develop the skills to be successful CAM practitioner, educator and or researcher.
CAM 327: Food as Medicine (3 credits)
We are what we eat. Understanding this principle will influence hour health and ability to survive and thrive. This class explores relative theory and practice towards a nutritional approach to health and well-being including cultural specifics diets that contribute to the health or not and effective strategies to alter eating patterns to a “better way” of managing health. Financial considerations are to be considered.
CAM 332: Human Sexuality (3 credits)
Human sexuality is center to who we are and our life’s journey. This class comprises a comprehensive view of sexuality, ranging from psychological and sociological dimensions, covering topics such as homosexuality, masturbation, bisexuality, fantasy, female and male sexuality, special problems, sex therapy and cultural expressions. issues, sex therapy, ethical and legal aspects of sexuality, and art and sexuality.
CAM 323: Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 credits)
Introduces students to five major branches of Clinical Psychology: psychopathology; diagnostics; psychotherapy; preventative interventions; and outcome assessment. A range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral childhood syndromes will be covered. Risk factors, possible genetic, neural, biological, social and familial factors will be discussed, as well as interventions. These topics will be discussed both from a clinical and a research perspective.
CAM 333: Herbal Studies 1 (3 credits)
This class will explore the features of herbs and herbal medicine, natural health, herbal medicine, and nutrition. Topics will cover basic human physiology and common herbal remedies for each body system. Students will look into a number of herbal products, including herbal extracts, salves, lotions, syrups and teas.
CAM 441: Survey of Health Practices Around the World (3 credits)
Gaining a broader perspective on health practices around the world will orient the student to how to individualize health recommendations to be successful. Compliance to health regime is critical component to ensure that treatment is successful. Practitioners often neglect this essential component in realizing how to approach individuals and assure that they find ways that are culturally acceptable to their way of life. Imposing another’s value is not the way to go.
CAM 352: Introduction to Homeopathy 1 (3 credits)
This class will introduce participants to the theory and clinical aspect of homeopathic practices. It will investigate its’ role as a medical practice guided by the belief that the body can heal itself without traditional medical intervention. An exploration into the “why” and “how” of homeopathy will open an additional perspective to support ones’ CAM practice.
CAM 324: Marriage and Family Psychology (3 credits)
The dynamics of marriage and family relationships will be explored and examined according to the latest theories that provide a perspective to enrich the dynamics of ones’ personal life. Topic include: the structure and function of marriage, aspects of the marital relationship, family systems, and ways counselors may approach marriage and family counseling as a creative, preventative, and healing ministry. Marriage and family theories and the history of marriage and family therapy will be included.
CAM 334: Transpersonal Psychology (3 credits)
This introductory class in transpersonal psychology will explore the theories, principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and examine the availability of research in the field. Going beyond the egoic perspective, it examines human experience and consciousness, behavior and creative expression beyond the self into spiritual realms and behond.
CAM 335: Introduction to Energy Psychology (3 credits)
Energy Psychology is a major player in the field of psychology that has made an impact on how the mental health needs of clients are addressed. Some mental health practitioners have been slow to adopt this change while others are at the leading edge of this dynamic approach. This course serves as an overview to what is possible and how it differs from traditional psychological approach to mental health issues and covers the evolving theory, practice and research in this emerging discipline.
CAM 336: Materia Medica Homeopathy 2 (3 credits)
This class will examine the study of the action of drugs on individual parts or systems of the body and their isolated organs. Topics will explore the schematic arrangement of symptoms produced by selected classes of drugs, and examine them synthetically, analytically and comparatively. One goal of the class is to help the participant understand drugs and what makes a good prescriber.
CAM 337: Eco-Human Deigns Thinking (3 credits)
The focus of the course will be on learning to create human centered and ecosustainable solutions to real world problems. Activities of Applied Ecopsychology are integrated with steps of Human Centered Design Thinking, to create EcoHuman Design systems and processes. These process templates can then be applied to challenges ranging from providing affordable potable water for rural communities, to designing products that are economically viable while being ecologically sustainable. These process templates are also applicable to human systems problems such as those encountered in organizational management, school systems management and social service administration. The teaching format and cohort process gives students ecosensory adaptive, communication positive and whole system thinking skills that are useful in a broad spectrum of professional settings. Students experience living systems. Students experience new options for responding to living systems within which real world challenges are embedded.
CAM 339: Spiritual Practices and Health (3 credits)
The role of spiritual practices, beliefs and impact on health and healing will be investigated in this course. Getting at the in-depth needs of the individual requires a close examination of the foundation spiritual base of a person both in and out of awareness. By investigating this basis of the human condition, one is able to create a workable framework for transforming a persons life journey that will include an acceptable spiritual or non/religious tradition.
CAM 401: English 4 (3 credits)
This course is intended to give students a practical understanding of beginning techniques of nonfiction writing, taught through exercises, the writing of original nonfiction, and readings in contemporary nonfiction. Basic concepts in the study of the English language: history, semantics, syntax, and discourse.
CAM 411: Business Math/ Small Business Comp Science 1 (3 credits)
Business mathematics teaches basic math skills for financial situations. A student will learn how to keep a business, check book, organize a payroll, keep small business spread sheets, prepare receipt information for tax purposes exploring the practical applications in a CAM practice.
CAM 421: History of Psychology (3 credits)
This class examines the history of psychology and includes topics as ideas about the mind, historical and social development in the field of psychology, and exploring the theorists who have made major impacts in the field of psychology. Discussion and critical evaluation of psychology as a profession and a science including examining the major schools of thought: structuralism, functionalism, associations, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychoanalysis comparing and contrasting their role in health and healing.
CAM 424: Child Development to Applied Ecopsychology (3 credits)
The four sections of this class – I, II, III, and IV – will each take a two-week period. In these sections, I will be presenting basic child development stages. These stages will be presented from a multicultural viewpoint, with examples of child rearing practices from all over the world to give you an understanding of how child development is impacted by social systems and disruptions to those systems. At the same time as you receive the academic information, I will be asking you to practice the underlying dynamics of child development in nature settings. This practice will involve exploring stages of child development on your own in a nature setting. This practice will give your non-verbal senses and your body an understanding of the dynamics of child development. Which will create a depth and a flexibility to your understanding of child development that is very enriching.
CAM 425: Applications of CAM Practice & Teaching for Health Practitioners (3 credits)
This application of CAM is designed for health practitioners such as nurses, doctors, mental health practitioners, chiropractors to expand their current work incorporating the best practices to the clients they serve. This hand-on experience created by the student under the supervision of the faculty open the unique possibilities to practical solutions in the workplace. Can include travel to other countries and applying on those settings where appropriate.
CAM 430: History of Holistic Nursing: Roots & Application (3 credits)
The nursing profession is a key player in the evolution of CAM applications in traditional health care. Many nurses have embraced the integrative or holistic approach for treating the whole person and empowering the client to take care of their health. For this reason, nurses are at the forefront of the potential rapid spread of CAM into traditional settings across the life span dealing with different situations. Nurses are everywhere, doing everything, for everybody regarding health and healing. Examine what is currently out there in nursing and strategize possible new applications to apply a CAM in a nursing care setting.
CAM 431: History of Western Medicine (3 credits)
This class investigates the history of Western medicine including, medical establishments and healers, the theories of disease, issues of diagnosis and treatment. Topics also include the history of sickness and health, epidemiology, sanitation, vital social structures and human behaviors, and their attitudes toward disease.
CAM 402: English 5-Writing for Case Presentation (3 credits)
Course content will include reading of literary nonfiction that demonstrates a range of formal and aesthetic styles; workshop discussion of student works-in-progress; and writing assignments culminating in a written case presentation. Upon course completion, the student will understand the elements of nonfiction prose style, and have made satisfactory progress in writing.
CAM 451: Case Taking (3 credits)
Case taking is the process of collecting all the facts about the client, using various tools like observation, perception, and history-taking. in order to find the correct support for a client. Requirements for documentation and sample form development for practice purposes will be discussed. Students will develop personalized forms which meet local requirements in the setting that they practice in or intent to move towards.
CAM 422: Psychological Theory and Practice (3 credits)
This course covers an in-depth analysis of the theories and methodologies used by psychologists and other mental health professionals to investigate behavior. Surveys of theories and research concerning core topics in psychology will be discussed.
CAM 432: Survey of Western Medicine (3 credits)
Western medicine focuses upon the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions and including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and physical therapy. The student will compare and contrast the training and practice Western Medicine are doctors, nurses, physical, occupational, and respiratory therapists in order to understand how health is managed in Western Medicine.
CAM 403: English 6 / Scientific Writing (3 credits)
This course introduces key concepts and practices of professional and technical writing. You will learn project development and management, field research, document design and visual rhetoric, and professional editing. This course will culminate in a writer’s portfolio, which will include individual and team-based projects, including such media as documentation, pamphlets, press kits and reports.
CAM 459: Senior Project/Case Presentation (3 - 6 credits)
This class is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to investigate in some detail an area of special interest within complementary and alternative medicine, which has potential for advancing the student’s understanding and professional development. The senior project takes the form of a scholarly paper of at least 15 pages in length with substantial referencing and citations to the literature which has informed. Additional expansion with the topic is possible for projects that extend beyond the normal class time.
CAM 423: Health Psychology (3 credits)
The philosophy and principles between physical, psychological, social, and cultural effects on health and well-being will be examined. Study topics address: how people respond to medical information, consultations, treatment plans, and lifestyle changes. Students learn ways to prevent illness, reduce the progression of disease, educate and implement user-friendly health practices and wellness activities which may reintegrate and empower patients towards meaningful life pursuits. The interplay between emotion, cognition, behavior, and the health/dysfunction of body systems is reviewed. The course covers: 1) an introduction to different models of the pathways linking psychological and physical functioning; 2) the mechanisms by which psychological processes affect physical health. Other suggested topics include: reasons for illness, health preparedness, becoming pro-active and health awareness.
CAM 433: Energetic Ethics (3 credits)
This class prepares students to approach complex moral issues with analytical precision, moral concern, and reflective judgment. From the question of informed consent to the very recent debate on health care, this course spans some of the most important social questions of our time: abortion , use of stem cells and embryos in research, euthanasia, experimentation on human beings. Participants will examine, analyze and evaluate conflicting positions on complex moral issues.
Non-CAM Program Coursework Options
SIP 501: Psychology of the Creative Spiritual Life (3 credits)
Students will investigate six major life areas in which psychology and spirituality intersect. Learning will be both didactic and experiential such that students will have both the knowledge base of other theorists and the tools to validate their inner truths. Students will listen to recordings of six seminars, participate in the exercises, have selected readings, complete a workbook and write reports and a paper. This series of seminars lays the foundation for a holistic approach to life. Six major life areas are examined to infuse a greater sense of self-responsibility, creativity and thus balanced healthy approach to well-being.
SIP 502: Bio-Spiritual Energetics in Human Growth and Development (3 credits)
Students will learn to read body energy patterns in themselves and others. Bio-energetic exercises and body typing based on the work of Alexander Lowen, MD, will be practiced and will provide an experiential reframing of the first six years of human development. A different series of exercises will be learned for each of the six body types as well as breathwork techniques to open the body to be a vehicle for one's spiritual expression. Students will listen to recordings of eighteen seminars, participate in exercises via video recording and write a paper.
SIP 503: Systemic Approaches to Core Integration (3 credits)
Several foundational systems approaches presenting holistic paradigms for spirit/mind integration will be studied. This will include Family Systems Theory and General Systems Theory as practiced on a personal and organizational level. Daily journaling will be done based upon the topics studied. Relevance to creating a viable spiritual community in one's world will be emphasized. Students will listen to class recordings, participate in exercises, complete their emotional autobiography and write a final paper.
SIP 504 Personal Effectiveness Principles (3 credits)
The Personal Effectiveness Principles training is a series of eight classes enabling participants to gain clarity about their life goals and success in achieving them as well as how to help create an environment that will sustain ongoing positive life changes for themselves and others. The course encapsulates concise and useful principles for mental mastery, emotional intelligence, goal setting and long term purposeful success. Techniques for effective communication, relationship building and energy maintenance through breathing fully and freely are also covered.
IHS 402: The Integral Model and Philosophy of Self, Culture, and Nature (3 credits)
This survey course offers an in depth study of Ken Wilber’s All Quadrants All Levels Model of integral theory and practice. Participants will be introduced to an understanding of the four quadrants, states of consciousness, stages of development, lines of development, and types. Students will be introduced to applications of the integral model to science and religion, world maps of the cosmos, as well as medicine and education. Participants will gain experiential understanding of this model by beginning an integral practice of their own using the guidelines presented.
IHS 406: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits)
The course covers basic concepts vis-Ã -vis public health and public health practice. Health, illness and various factors that influence health status are discussed. It also presents data and information on health status and risk factors. The course examines the functions of public health and public health practice, the tools that have been developed to improve public health practice. The course also explains the government’s role in public health. It discusses the infrastructure of public health and public health programs and services, and non-medical approaches to public health. Finally, the course deals with the limits to conventional public health and future challenges for public health.
HS 451: Inner Practicum and Transformational Practice (3 credits)
Bachelors students must investigate core aspects of the discipline within the professional environment through close contact with practitioners and situations. Students should participate in the field study for a minimum of 150 contact hours. The field placement is expected to afford students appropriate practical hands on experience and in-depth knowledge of their areas of practice. Students must prepare a field study proposal according to University guidelines prior to undertaking the course. Under the supervision of assigned instructors, students will select from a range of personal development, growth, and transformative practices (e.g. meditative/contemplative, art/expressive, interpersonal/psychological, yoga, breathwork, bodywork, cultural expeditions, volunteer/service, combinations of these, etc.) and document their experiences on life domains relevant to health, healing, and wellness. The student can choose to undergo these experiences in retreats, intensives, community services, home practices, social gatherings, external trainings, health and wellness centers, spas. Students complete a daily journal and prepare a scholarly paper summarizing their findings for the field study.
NOTE: Students may elect to take additional field study elements to a maximum of 9 credits
French Language could be substituted for two of the other classes.
There is a possibility to exempt out of classes that address the content through examination by one of the faculty. This is negotiated on an individual basis between student and supervising faculty.