Dr. Bernie Siegel, MD & Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook, RN
Opening Dialogues Video Link Feb. 2, 2022
Contact [email protected] for link / University Course with Bernie & MJ
Bernie started connecting together in the IANDS Boston Soul to Soul Sessions aired on the 2nd and 4th Wed. of the month at 7 pm. From those magical moment their Souls started to communicate effortless bringing them both a new sense of connectedness to their higher purpose. Listen in the fun, excitement and new inspirations for multi-dimensional living hints.

From: Bernie Siegel & Mary Jo Bulbrook
CC: Your family, friends, & colleagues
Join and participate in the FREE webinar on dialogues between Bernie and Mary Jo regarding Soul 2 Soul Communication
Held on the first and third Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern Time
This is a spontaneous multi-dimensional dialogue that is not orchestrated between Bernie and MJ, only Divinely inspired to and through them with you.
Dates: 2022 Schedule: First & Third Wednesday Time: 8 to 9 pm Eastern time zone
Love, peace & joy to you, as we join together multi-dimensionally,
Bernie & MJ
PS. Eligible for sessions to be use for university continuing education and or graduate education.
Contact Dr. Bulbrook for more information on how to sign up: [email protected].
IMPORTANT Note: The content will be used in a forthcoming book between them on Soul 2 Soul Communication earmarked for publication in 2022 This will be live dialogue and recorded. By participating you agree that this experience can be recorded with content to be used in the upcoming book if appropriate. Anything that does come forward you choose to not be included; you can take responsibility to communicate with us within one week after the event. If we do not hear from during that time it will be assumed all is ok from your end and you will not hold Dr. Siegel or Dr. Bulbrook or Akamai University liable in any way.
Printed copy of the invitation available here to distribute. Thank you for spreading the word and sharing the light.
Hear Bernie's Life Story
Do you want to live? Clear messages how to achieve that goal. Today. Right now!
Then see the video with effective strategies working with children helping them heal with tools that help them. March 2010
From: Bernie Siegel & Mary Jo Bulbrook
CC: Your family, friends, & colleagues
Join and participate in the FREE webinar on dialogues between Bernie and Mary Jo regarding Soul 2 Soul Communication
Held on the first and third Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern Time
This is a spontaneous multi-dimensional dialogue that is not orchestrated between Bernie and MJ, only Divinely inspired to and through them with you.
Dates: 2022 Schedule: First & Third Wednesday Time: 8 to 9 pm Eastern time zone
- Feb. 2nd & 16th March 2nd & 16th April. 6th & 20th
- May 4th & 18th June 1st & 15th July 6th & 20th
Love, peace & joy to you, as we join together multi-dimensionally,
Bernie & MJ
PS. Eligible for sessions to be use for university continuing education and or graduate education.
Contact Dr. Bulbrook for more information on how to sign up: [email protected].
IMPORTANT Note: The content will be used in a forthcoming book between them on Soul 2 Soul Communication earmarked for publication in 2022 This will be live dialogue and recorded. By participating you agree that this experience can be recorded with content to be used in the upcoming book if appropriate. Anything that does come forward you choose to not be included; you can take responsibility to communicate with us within one week after the event. If we do not hear from during that time it will be assumed all is ok from your end and you will not hold Dr. Siegel or Dr. Bulbrook or Akamai University liable in any way.
Printed copy of the invitation available here to distribute. Thank you for spreading the word and sharing the light.
Hear Bernie's Life Story
Do you want to live? Clear messages how to achieve that goal. Today. Right now!
Then see the video with effective strategies working with children helping them heal with tools that help them. March 2010
Closing Session - December 15, 2021 Event

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
From Bernie & MJ
Happy holidays from our heart to yours.
Here are some highlighted vignettes from our time together:
"Let your heart make up your mind!"
"Being a person that has a heart is what counts."
"Who decides if I am happy or sad, is ME."
Love is the greatest vaccine that is!"
"Our learners or clients open my mind and heart."
That is our goal.
"We don't all need to agree but we do need to open our hearts to hear, see, feel and recognize each other."
"Become a LOVE WARRIOR."
Another Bernie closing comment says it all, that happens to me: "I usually come to these meetings at the end of an exhausting day. I am tired and sleepy. Then when I am with each of you at the end of our time together I feel energized and uplifted. Thank you. Thank all of you."
Hey Bernie, we achieved our goal!
"We are LOVE Warriors that help to uplift each other, Soul2Soul.
Bye for now... til we meet again. Happy Trails
Love always to all, in all ways,
Bernie & MJ
Bernie's next book for Healing Stories: Love, Mystery and Miracles. Go Bernie!!!!!
Recording from Dec. 15, 2021 - Click on the link:
Feedback from the group - Bernie & MJ Dialogues:
20:24:45 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Can I share a quick story?
20:33:50 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Thank you, Mary Jo!
20:47:00 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Kay cook says she has a comment on suicide.
21:32:43 From Teresa Robinette to Everyone:
I wish we could continue these meetings…
21:35:41 From Sue ONeill to Everyone:
Bless you all.
Additional Feedback Follows:
Linda Eldridge: "How does LOVE want to be expressed in me?"
A question for all of us. Thanks Linda!!!
Karen James:
Thank you Mary Jo for this. So many pearls of wisdom. I have really enjoyed attending these sessions. So many pearls of wisdom I have written in my notes. Last night affected me deeply.
Sometimes I find it hard to have and encounter those soul to soul conversations these days so it was wonderful to have the sacred space to have those conversations.It was so enriching to be with and come together with like minded people in such an organic and open way in such sacred space. Thank you for making it happen. Thanks for sharing. I feel so blessed to have had the gift to be a part of this.
Have a blessed Christmas with your family
Karen James
PS It was delightful to see Hug Bear. It brought back so many memories. I went to Golden in September to spend time and to walk the crystal Labyrinth and seeing Hug Bear reminds me of the picture I had of Hug Bear sitting there on a bench gazing at he labyrinth. He was there with us that day.
Thanks for being in my life over the years Mary Jo. I so appreciate you and what you have shared and the ways you have inspired me.
Effie Chow:
Dearest Mary Jo and Bernie..(et al).
Two great minds
With LOVE as the bond
Between all,
Surpasses anything
Thanks for who you are
and giving us such
wonderful food for thought
The planet and universe is better!
Happy Holiday Season
Loving Qi for excellent health of spirit, mind, and body,
Dame Dr. Chow - Effie
From Bernie & MJ
Happy holidays from our heart to yours.
Here are some highlighted vignettes from our time together:
"Let your heart make up your mind!"
"Being a person that has a heart is what counts."
"Who decides if I am happy or sad, is ME."
Love is the greatest vaccine that is!"
"Our learners or clients open my mind and heart."
That is our goal.
"We don't all need to agree but we do need to open our hearts to hear, see, feel and recognize each other."
"Become a LOVE WARRIOR."
Another Bernie closing comment says it all, that happens to me: "I usually come to these meetings at the end of an exhausting day. I am tired and sleepy. Then when I am with each of you at the end of our time together I feel energized and uplifted. Thank you. Thank all of you."
Hey Bernie, we achieved our goal!
"We are LOVE Warriors that help to uplift each other, Soul2Soul.
Bye for now... til we meet again. Happy Trails
Love always to all, in all ways,
Bernie & MJ
Bernie's next book for Healing Stories: Love, Mystery and Miracles. Go Bernie!!!!!
Recording from Dec. 15, 2021 - Click on the link:
Feedback from the group - Bernie & MJ Dialogues:
20:24:45 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Can I share a quick story?
20:33:50 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Thank you, Mary Jo!
20:47:00 From Robert Lawrence Friedman to Mary Jo Bulbrook(Direct Message):
Kay cook says she has a comment on suicide.
21:32:43 From Teresa Robinette to Everyone:
I wish we could continue these meetings…
21:35:41 From Sue ONeill to Everyone:
Bless you all.
Additional Feedback Follows:
Linda Eldridge: "How does LOVE want to be expressed in me?"
A question for all of us. Thanks Linda!!!
Karen James:
Thank you Mary Jo for this. So many pearls of wisdom. I have really enjoyed attending these sessions. So many pearls of wisdom I have written in my notes. Last night affected me deeply.
Sometimes I find it hard to have and encounter those soul to soul conversations these days so it was wonderful to have the sacred space to have those conversations.It was so enriching to be with and come together with like minded people in such an organic and open way in such sacred space. Thank you for making it happen. Thanks for sharing. I feel so blessed to have had the gift to be a part of this.
Have a blessed Christmas with your family
Karen James
PS It was delightful to see Hug Bear. It brought back so many memories. I went to Golden in September to spend time and to walk the crystal Labyrinth and seeing Hug Bear reminds me of the picture I had of Hug Bear sitting there on a bench gazing at he labyrinth. He was there with us that day.
Thanks for being in my life over the years Mary Jo. I so appreciate you and what you have shared and the ways you have inspired me.
Effie Chow:
Dearest Mary Jo and Bernie..(et al).
Two great minds
With LOVE as the bond
Between all,
Surpasses anything
Thanks for who you are
and giving us such
wonderful food for thought
The planet and universe is better!
Happy Holiday Season
Loving Qi for excellent health of spirit, mind, and body,
Dame Dr. Chow - Effie