HEAL - UNITE - CREATE! https://whenwegather.art/watch-live-when-we-gather/ Available until Feb. 15, 2021 Brilliant and must see to inspire, teach and heal! When We Gather and www.whenwegather.art are owned by Gallery Wendi Norris. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT © 2021 A multifaceted art project celebrating the historic achievement of the US’s first female Vice President, the women who came before her, and those who will follow.Inspired by the unprecedented inauguration of Vice President Kamala Harris, When We Gather is a film and an interactive program that calls for women across the country to usher in an era of healing, unity, and creativity.
In accepting her nomination, Vice President-elect Harris evoked the memory of her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, who “believed so deeply in an America where a moment like this is possible.” Harris celebrated “the generations of women: Black women, Asian, White, Latina, and Native American women throughout our nation’s history who have paved the way for this moment.” She called on us all, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, and girls; cis and trans, to celebrate with her. When We Gather is our collective answer. The renowned artist María Magdalena Campos-Pons, in collaboration with Okwui Okpokwasili, and LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, has choreographed circular movements for When We Gather. The performers have choreographed circular movements and gestures from diverse traditions evoking storms, spirals and ancestral energy. Knotted blue fabric is a powerful symbol of connection between the performers. The soundscape incorporates both lyrics and a poem written by Diggs for the project. Mindful of the nation’s upcoming transition of power as well as the globe’s ongoing health crisis, When We Gather was executed, facilitated, and recorded in various locations as both performance and ritual and then artfully assembled into a single, short film.
JOIN US!!! This Weekend FREE En Garde Virtual Conference: Global Integrated Anti-Epidemic Forum. 60 international speakers! Jan. 23-24, this weekend! Program Description Click Here! This is the link to attend both days....Zoom ID:5746952588 But it is also on facebook. If you have any questions, please ask weChat “jackfu626” Coordinator Dr. Jack Fu Email: [email protected] Dr. Effie Chow and Dr. Brian Daley will speak on Saturday vs. SundayThis is the link to attend both days....Zoom ID:5746952588 But it is also on facebook. If you have any questions, please ask weChat “jackfu626” Coordinator Dr. Jack Fu Email: [email protected] Dedication to the Power of Healing Touch I ____________________________________________________________ am dedicated to use Healing Touch in service of caring for those who come to me for help and support. I know and appreciate the contribution made in my years of “just doing the work” as guided by my mentor and friend – Janet Mentgen, founder, and key inspiration for creating this heart-centered work of service. I follow my heart as I perform my service to others after a deep centering and attunement to a Higher Power that guides action for justice, healing, and service to all. I acknowledge I am changed as I serve and will strive to learn more, to do more and access Higher Realm of multi-dimensionality to access the interconnectedness of all things that stands behind the Healing Touch. I plan to pass on and pay forward the guidance that comes to and through me, with a selfless attention to “do the right thing.” I incorporate these other gifts that represent my unique contribution. They include the following: a… b… c... I dedicate this pledge of allegiance to the sacred oath I take as a practitioner, educator, researcher of Healing Touch to “do the right thing at all times” to the best of my ability, always striving to do better, learn more, acknowledge the contribution of others and seek guidance to lead my path of service. This I ___________________________--________solemnly proclaim on this day ________________ I call on each and every one of us to follow the Inspiration from today's Inaugural Celebration. On Jan. 20, 2021 I was awakened in the middle of the night at 3:33 am Eastern time. The following documents were "dropped into my consciousness" that I share with you.
Pledge of Allegiance – To Do the Right Thing Preamble: On this sacred day of commitment to democracy I make this solemn pledge “To Do the Right Thing” guided by my heart space, inspired from above and dedicated to be of service to humanity worldwide, respecting the interconnection of all things – humans, animals, plants, nature, environment, I respect the right to differ and will work to hear another point of view, honoring you, honoring me, honoring the collective. I choose to facilitate peace within, peace among, peace between and peace above respecting differences in values, beliefs and approaches to living a dedicated life of service sharing my wealth of the compassionate spirit that transcends personal selfish gains at the expense of other well-being. I acknowledge the contribution of complementary and alternative therapies to provide non-invasive alternatives promoting health and wellbeing at the bio-emotional-psycho-social-spiritual subtle level affecting not only my health and well being but that of those around me, family, friends, organizations, community, culture, among nations, aligned with respecting others needs and values for the common good. I uphold the constitution of human rights that are not just for one nation under a Higher Power but looks to the needs, values of other nations. I always strive to “do the right thing” to the best of my ability, acting with guidance and support of others who also make the same pledge of allegiance. I live in the present, revisit the past to acknowledge right from wrong, plan to make things better with the new knowledge and guidance I receive through a meditative state enhancing the well-being of all. I acknowledge the power of intention to set the stage for change within me, within others and the planet and will use this resource to activate soul committed solutions that affect the individual, family, collective and worldwide. I search for solutions daily for life’s many challenges to “do the right thing.” Once identified through meditation and guidance, I will “do my best” to instigate changes along the path shown. My gifts include: (name) ______________________________________________________________ I ask for help with the following limitations: _______________________________________________ My values include: __________________________________________________________________ My heart desires to: _________________________________________________________________ in service of others. I speak the truth to the best of my ability. I listen to others “truth” as the work to “do the right thing” and search for respectful, common ground keeping in mind, justice for all. I envision a greater world that is dedicated to do the right thing. And lastly, I respect differences of spiritual values that guide one’s actions keeping in mind how to live the Oneness of all things, each affecting the other, dedicated to find solutions to the challenges before us. This I pray on the 20th day of January, 2021 Pledge Signed by _______________________________________ on ____________________________ Dear Friend,
Thank you for registering to my Intention Experiment on, Sunday, January 17, 2021 10 am PST/ 1 pm EST/ 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83663740191?pwd=OU5iRW5uNzdRelZ6VGtpS2ZONkVPQT09 Passcode: 767191 Webinar ID: 836 6374 0191 You will then be prompted to download and install Zoom, click 'yes' on this pop-up and any other pop-up asking you if you would like to join the webinar. Also, when you are prompted to, please ensure that you enter the webinar ID/ pass-code provided above. Please note that only the first 3000 attendees will be able to join live on Zoom. However, if you do not manage to get on, you can watch the live stream on my Facebook page. To watch, simply visit my Facebook page at the designated time: https://www.facebook.com/LynneMcTaggart2011/ If you need some help in finding the right time for you, please use this time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html. Warmest wishes, Lynne McTaggart The Soul’s Birthing Process
The Soul’s Journey & Evolution of Consciousness Based on Blending the Teachings of Virginia Satir Creator of Family Therapy With Dr. MJ Bulbrook’s Transform Your Life with Energy Medicine Ideas Birthed January 17, 2021 Describing Alignment with the Bio-Field
Join Robert Lawrence Friedman and Shirin Mansouri, MD for Exciting Opportunities
to Uplift Your Soul through PLAY!!!!! Click here to participate! Saturday January 16, 2021 at 10 to 11 am Eastern Time The Playshop - Exploring the Power of Play to Find Solutions Energetic Climate Trauma is defined by an individual's personal experience usually out of conscious awareness. It comes from experience that registers in the energy system for events that take place in "living life", and often goes undetected until another and another event happens that trips the circuit to an explosion of reaction for which there does not seem to be a rational way to move through the energetic climate trauma.
Join Dr. Bulbrook for this cutting edge "energetic phenomena" dialogue and exploring healing strategies that provide symptom relief and a source of new resolve to curb the effect to jeobordize the health and well being of an individual. The focus here is on workplace trauma experienced as nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers and other on the frontline of this pandemic siege affecting us worldwide. After reading these two articles below, add your perspectives on the topics. I look forward to hearing from your your experiences. Hear strategies! Explore options! Clear your internal and external passing on of energetic climate trauma to others! Based on the following published articles: Mary C. Vance, Recognizing Trauma in the Healer: Health Affairs May 2019 38:5 p 868-870; Mental Health Climate Disaster Survey - The Center for Public Health Integrity, Aug. 30, 2020 Guidance for going forward that is inspired rather than intellectually directed will take you to new heights. Take time to activate these hidden possibilities within each of us! Once inspired, stand up and stand out to achieve leadership qualities that help others realize their full potential! |
AuthorDr. Mary Jo Bulbrook, Dr. Mary Jo Bulbook, BSN, RN, MEd, EdD, CEMP/S/I, HTCP, ICF
International Educator, Psychotherapist, Mystic, Energy Healer, Shaman CategoriesAkamai University
Institute CAM Studies Journals Energy Medicine Partnerships Global Healing Alliance ISGO - IANDS Events Resources Experts Archives
April 2023